El Cerrito Tennis Club


For myself, spouse, and child, I certify that:

  1. To the fullest extent permitted by law, I hereby absolve the El Cerrito Tennis Club (ECTC), including its directors, officers, officials, employees, agents, contractors, and volunteers (collectively, “Affiliates”), from all liability that may arise as the result of participating in ECTC programs and activities, and if the participant is a minor, I hereby give my permission for their participation and in so doing absolve ECTC and its Affiliates from such liability. I recognize and acknowledge that there are risks inherent in participating in ECTC programs and activities, and I agree to assume all risks, including the risk of accident, injury, illness, disability or death, sustained in connection with my or my minor’s participation. I acknowledge that ECTC is not responsible for loss or damage to person or property incident to my or my child’s involvement or participation in ECTC’s programs and activities. I understand that participants in ECTC programs and activities do so at their own risk and ECTC does not provide accident insurance.

  2. To the fullest extent permitted by law, I will release, hold harmless, indemnify, and defend ECTC and its Affiliates from and against all claims, demands, causes of action, lawsuits, proceedings, liabilities, losses, damages, expense costs (including attorneys’ fees and expert witness fees), judgments, penalties, and liens of every nature resulting from injury to or death of any person or damage to property of any kind, which arises out of or is in any way connected to my or my child’s involvement or participation in ECTC’s programs and activities and the use of facility and equipment related to ECTC’s programs and activities.

  3. CONSENT TO PHOTOGRAPH, FILM OR TAPE: I agree to have photographs, films, or tape recordings taken of me or my minor child registered under my signature while participating in ECTC programs and activities, and I permit these photographs, films, or tapes to be released for use in publications, promotional materials, web site, and for other public information purposes by ECTC only.